Saturday, April 22, 2006

Doing Better

Photo: Codlea with the Bucegi Mountains looming in the distance.

For those of you that read the last post, I'm doing a lot better. I was down in Bucharest yesterday for another session with Dr. Dan and he was of great help as usual. He said that I looked better and that I've made a lot of progress in a week. Anyway, I'm going to be seeing him on a regular basis for the time being. Not easy stuff, but necessary. However, I really like going to Bucharest, riding the subway, etc. That big city feel reminds me of home and puts me at ease.

We're getting ready for Orthodox Easter tomorrow here in Codlea. The preparations began earlier in the week when we went to Tavi's farm and got the meat for Sunday. Tavi picked out a little lamb from the barn and went to work. I've got pictures and film. I wasn't sure how I'd react to watching the slaughter, skinning, cleaning and preparation of an animal in person, especially considering the fact that I knew that he'd eventually be my meal. However, it didn't really bother me at all. I just rationalized that this is how it goes. If you want to eat the meat, you've got to kill the animal. It's that simple. At the same time, I understand why some people are vegetarians. While witnessing the process I had a few moments there when I asked myself if I should make the switch to being a veggie.

So, it's Saturday afternoon here in Codlea and Ica is busy making preparations for tomorrow's Easter feast. It's going to be quite the spread. Lots of lamb dishes (of course), sarmale, colored eggs, etc. Tonight we're going to go to the church in Dambravita, the nearby village that Ica and Victor are originally from, to check out a little bit of the Easter service. We'll go around midnight, but only stay for a bit because apparently this thing goes all night long. No way I can handle that. I need to get my beauty sleep before I stuff my face tomorrow.

That's about it for now I guess. It's a nice day, so I may go for a walk after the I'm done here at the internet cafe. Rapid is playing tonight, so Victor and I are going to have some tuica and beer and watch the game. Not too much though, as we've got to go to church later. I'll catch the bus back to Piatra Neamt on Monday and get ready to finish the school year. I'm only ten weeks away from my trip back home now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Picture!