Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Haiku Journal 1 (16/01 - 21/01)

Someone recently suggested that I keep a daily journal of my experiences. While this is a good idea, I simply don't have the time. I have decided to write haikus instead. They are short and don't take a lot of time to write. I conceived these two in my head on the way home from school. Here are three that nicely summarize my day today, Tuesday January 16th.

No heat, hot water
Communism horrific
Raw sewage on street.

Stop staring at me
I am not that different
Or maybe I am.

School is crazy zoo
Kid stuffed in a garbage can
No consequences.

Wednesday, January 17th

Pierre is leaving
It was much better for him
Without the Peace Corps.

Many on the streets
Nothing to do all day long
Where is their future?

Limited thinking
Self-preservation is all
A dangerous place.

Feeding cats pig fat
Eating wild boar for dinner
Ah, Romania.

Thursday, January 18th

Changes are coming
Old teachers go back to school
But will it matter?

Friday, January 19th

Piatra Neamt
Good friends and bad memories
Only a weekend.

A Japanese guy
Traveling alone in RO
A good idea?

Saturday, January 20th

Raducu got wet
Cried and cried poor little guy
Special time for all

Radu's godfather
The mayor of Suceava
He's a good dancer

Sunday, January 21st

Piatra Neamt
Felt like a different place
Was I ever there?

Read a book lady
You talk too much, learn something
Try, don't just ask why


maria melcverde said...

and a good day to ya!

Fenblog said...

Hi Maria,

Do I sense some sarcasm from you? It is all a bit gloomy though, is it not?


maria melcverde said...

It's not sarcastic, it's just,,, a bitter taste. I hadn't read your blog in ages, and now that I had a lot to ketchup on it was,,, gloomier, yes. Still am sorry I didn't know about the troubles in Piatra. I honestly wish we met in Piatra,,, but all is not lost (:
A good day to ya